Status Update

Hi everyone,

I want to make sure that I'm open and honest with you. So, as much as I wish I could avoid this topic, I do have to mention this. The reality is that time is rapidly running out. It's very clear that it won't be possible to fund this project in it's current state. This is completely on me, as I'm currently not able to offer any tangible incentives for you.

I have avoided bringing this up until this point, as I don't want anyone to feel pressured into supporting the project. For this reason, I made sure to disable the ability to donate before writing this. It's not fair for anyone to be affected by the situation that I have put myself in, this is something I have to solve myself.

To solve this, I have shifted my focus towards alternative means to fund this project. This also means that I will put furry content on hold, along with the plans for weekly content releases, as I have no choice but to focus on new directions.

However, I think this will lead to something even greater, something I hope you will be excited about.

I will do everything I can to keep pushing this project forward and I hope I will have some exiting news to share soon!

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